Emily Rewatches TVD-- Season 5, Episode 12: "The Devil Inside"
Alright, let's talk housekeeping before we dig in, shall we? Since school has been consuming my time and energy and soul in general, and have now been left with about six days until The Vampire Diaries' next season starts up, I'm going to finish up the seasons' recaps with some quick(er) and dirty recaplets to get us all caught up for the new season that starts next week! The little feedback I got on the first one seemed very positive about the recapping style, so it's likely that I'll be adopting it for this season's TVD recaps, and saving the usual format for The Originals . So, that's the current plan for the updates that will be coming as we return to fall TV season (hallelujah!), and I'm hoping that many of you will be sticking around, even despite the lack of Teen Wolf for the next seven months. SO, let's talk "The Devil Inside," shall we?